Week 7 

Lauks Nest

A once thriving community we explored a tropical island that had swapped owners various times and was now just a derelict island that was just as beautiful although with no actual online presence.

This was a sad site to behold as the effort of making the majority of the furniture and small details in the nooks and crannies was made in blender. All this effort and actual real world money for it to be nothing but a history site for our characters to roam freely and even fly around which had surprised me as not many regions allow flight.

I later watched 8 and 9 year old videos of this area that were on youtube. The place back then and second life too was very different. The graphics capicity of computers back then were far different then now. Also i should mention i got a new computer that i thought would run second life better but only through mods will the game actually be optimized for newer generation PCs :(


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