April 30th
Our 2nd last week of the module, at this point throughout the Easter break our team, the green team had texted every now and again keeping updated on what we have done. Asking one another to look at the slides as we could all see the progress made and adding too and removing some parts that we felt needed adjustments.
We had no further plans as a team other than on the day, to read out what were going to say quickly and glance over everything half an hour before. Our whatsapp groupchat i feel really saved us a lot of time as we could read articles on our phone and just send it on through the app as we went along with our days in quarantine. I was extremely busy in work which i certainly had not planned and had missed a few classes. I ended up working 22 days straight which is obviously very illegal but i kept the whole place up and running and got many praise for it but at the expense of a vital part of my education which, im not gonna lie, im pretty annoyed about.
But anyways this is the last of the blog posts before the team project one which for some reason is a few posts down.
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